A Peek

I am already starting to feel the end of the holiday season...BOOOOOoooohooohoohoo!!! I know, it's crazy. Once again, I am so thankful to have the inauguration of this wonderful season early. I just can't believe Thanksgiving is here!!!

Today I have planned for myself a long list of things to do, but I keep dragging my feet hoping to slow the clock. I want to bake pies and rolls and make stock for the dumplins and put together the stuffing and green rice. And then there are my projects. I can't remember if I've mentioned that we are making all our gifts this year... I finished this fantastic number for Tre last night.

I found it on etsy.com in HiDeebug's Shop and fell in love with it. I am hesitant to show it off because no one seems to be as excited about it as I am, but whatevs. I think it screams TREBO!!
And then there is the playhouse I'm working on for the little girls.
Mine doesn't look like this, I took the idea and tweaked it to: a. fit my dining room table and b: suit my girls. I got the idea from this homemadebyjill.blogspot.com. I will post pictures when I get it a little closer to the finish line. Today I will complete my first pair of legwarmers and start on the next. So it's good. Even with just a few hours of sleep, I feel energized. I am finding that when I have something to work on, I'd rather just keep working on it. Midnight comes and goes and before I know it hours have passed. Maybe it's the quiet house with Dale working in the next room, or maybe it's the "eye on the prize" thing that seems to rule me when I have a project in motion. I can't be sure, but it's fun. Even the kids feel that way. Every afternoon we collect around the table with scraps and sewing machines and tape and paper and create cool secret stuff for each other. Everyone is trying to sneak a peak and cover their work. What I love is that at some point in the day someone always says, "This is so much better than watching TV!" It really is. There is something magical about being creative together. I love it.


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