We love Halloween for a lot of reasons. For one thing, it's the first holiday of a long string of holidays that we love to celebrate. Frankly, we love all of them. Any reason to bust out of the norm we will relish.

You can't see our costumes but we did dress up for Trick-or-Treating. Dale wrote "This Space for SALE" on his forehead, and I wore a Superman cape. I adore him.

Deisha was a lion. Dana and I chased her around the yard trying to get a good picture of her in her costume but she wouldn't have it. She's really naughty. Believe it.

Scooder was a skunk. See the little flower just off to the side of his white stripe? Yep. That's our dog...

THERE SHE IS! She was so mad at me for putting whiskers on her cheeks that she tried to rub them off as soon as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. At each house she walked up to the door and said, "roarrr," and then proceeded to push past the resident into their home. She didn't want candy or kudos, just wanted to check out the house. Nice.

Guess what Micah was! That's right, a hobo!!! No I'm just kidding. He was a pirate, you were right. He really wanted to wear a white tank undershirt under this jacket, but it was see-through and very tight. It took some convincing, but he went with the black shirt before it was all said and done. I really am trying to train myself to not control everything. He had his ideas of what his costume should look like and I had mine. I kept reminding myself that discovery is a vital part of the creative process and if I keep force feeding my own creativity, they can't discover their own.

We bought Tre's costume at the thrift store over a month ago, at his bidding. He begged and pleaded with us to buy it, giving his full assurance that he would be content to be a ninja for Halloween. Then we got this little sweetheart in the mail and he wore it for days before the actual night out. How could I refuse? He's a perfect ninja turtle.

Sis borrowed this prom dress from our neighbor and added eyelashes, make-up, wings, and black ringlettes. She's a butterfly, of course. I mean a fairy. I mean a fairy princess! Just look at her, can't you tell? She got bored of trick-or-treating one street after the little ones went in for the night. She said, "I'm just tired of it. I guess I'm getting older." How weird is that?

Lol bought this costume when Tre got the ninja costume, but she threw a fit when it was time to get dressed because she wanted to wear her tiny tutu that Nana made her. Just the tutu. And she would have too, if I had agreed to it. But it was cold and she's still little enough for me to be in control of her. HAAAAAhahahaha. I wish I could remember how I taught her that so I could teach Deisha...

Our sweet little kitty found this dress at Goodwill. She didn't know what it was or how she would use it as a costume, but she wanted it REEEEALLLY badly. So I bought it. Then we added ears, a tail, and some whiskers. Isn't she sweet? Turns out the tag on it read "Black cat costume". Gotta love it.

The night of the holiday, I let the kids gobble up as much as they want of the candy- within reason. I have a couple of them that will eat till they can't hold anymore. But then the next day, I let them pick out a few of their favorite candy out of the stash and then take all the rest into a community collection. This way I don't find candy wrappers on the floor every day until the Fourth of July, and I can monitor when and how much they are eating. Also, I can sneak it out of the house a little at a time and no one cares because it's not "theirs" anymore.

Long after trick-or-treating was done, and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown had been on the loop for a few hours, we retreated to the living room in our jammies with flashlights and blankets for the annual Scariest Noise Competition and Scariest Story Competition. For the first time ever, we added a Scariest Shadow Puppets Competition. Tre swept the competition with first prize in both scariest light and scariest story. There was a draw in the scariest noise division between Mawmaw's growly throat noise and Dale's "I don't speak no gobledee gook" song. All in all it was a great night full of tradition and new memories!!


  1. Everyone looks great! Looks like you all had a blast!


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