We had quite a celebration, here in the Sutton house. These two drank soda all night long and thought they were living the dream. The fact that they only drank tablespoons at a time didn't seem to bother them a bit.

This was the calm before the storm.  It got crazy real fast once the music started.
Deisha went down first at a record 8:30.  Leila managed to hang on until about 10:30.  I knew she was tired when she started trailing me while I cleaned up the house.  I finally said, "Go snuggle up on the couch and I'll come sit with you when I'm done."  That was all it took.  A blankie, a movie, and a corner of the couch put her out in minutes.

There we go, Micah's heating it up now~!  We had to start the night with the dance party because, frankly, I get crabby and I didn't want to risk nixing it later.  So while we made the food, the kids took turns as dj blasting music through the house.  I do have some video footage of the crazy dancers, but I can't figure out how to load it on the new program... hmm...  At least I managed to catch this moment.  Kennedy was having SOOOO much fun!

And here is the little ray of sunshine toasting the new year with me.  This is proof that when you have a big family, all you need is food and a happy mommy to pull of a great party.

Happy New Year, everybody!  May all your New Years dreams come true!!!


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