The Party

So I told the kids that we would have a little party this week before they go back to school.  I don't know why I offer these suggestions up.  It's really laziness, initially.  I make these promises to give them something to look forward to and then I don't want to do it.  I don't want to do it at all.  I spend the whole day hoping we'll need to cancel.  It's so mean, but it's real, folks.  I mean, how many nights of being a happy party mom can I be, really?

This photo freaks me out a little.  Kennedy having friends that are older than the other kids is fine because they don't look that much older, except THIS friend.  The boys are all in love with her because she's gorgeous, and she's tough, and she beats them all up at school.  Did I mention that she's ten and in real life she looks older than Kennedy.  They are in a different age bracket.  It's strange, but it's real.  I'm about to have a teenager in my family. **sigh**

Micah spent a lot of the night schooling Nick on table manners and appropriate conversation for mixed company, but he somehow forgot when they started an extended, detailed debate about puss.  I'm just glad it didn't happen at the table. 

The kids each invited one friend over and I made them pizza.  When they got there I didn't have any done so I made some breadsticks to hold them off a few more minutes until I could get some real food on the table, then it came out one pizza at a time, which they promptly descended on like vultures.  It was crazy!  I would set it down, and it was gone.  There was a point when I honestly thought they wouldn't stop eating, and I would have to tell them there was no more food.  I put less and less sauce and cheese on each one so that if I had to make a second batch of dough I'd have something to put on top of it.  I ended up making two pans of breadsticks, six pizzas, and two dessert pizzas for 11 kids.  It seemed like a lot, especially when they ate pickles and popcorn during the movie.  YEEOWWW!! 

I managed to get them all in this magical shot!  They didn't spend the night, we just had a couple of kids show up in their jammies with their pillows and blankets so the other kids quickly followed suit, except the big girls, of course. 

I was hoping this was it for the parties for a while, but Jas is making plans for her birthday in two weeks.  I am really dreading having another bash at my house, any suggestions?  


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