A Few Things

I'm finding my heart full often. The little blessings continue to fall into our lives, and we continue to give praise to God for every little thing. 

    Last night we were driving home from Target and Dale turned down a sidestreet, spontaneously.  My heart leapt when I realized we were dropping in for a visit at my brother's house. They welcomed us into their home at nearly eight o'clock and cheered our surprise visit enthusiastically.  It's a gift every time.

   The realtor sent me a message yesterday to let me know that the dishwasher blew out last week in our new house, but because it was under warranty, they were able to replace it and POOF!  Just like that, we have a brand new dishwasher just waiting to be loaded with our dishes!  These little blessings, they blow me away.

    Homeschooling is going well for the first time in a very long time.  I have the time and attention to give to each of the kids, being that we have most meals served to us and maidservice.  I know that it won't last, but having a jump start and a few good weeks of learning will help my attitude and the kids' attitudes going into some chaos as we being the moving-in process.  This is a huge blessing because, while I am whole-heartedly a homeschool advocate, I am not very good at it and sometimes I really dread the responsibility.  Having a few good weeks in a row is a big deal.

    And one more thing...  Dale found out that he has training out of state the week we were scheduled to move into our house.  We moved the closing back, which means the day the  movers come to unload boxes, he'll be gone.  However, God in His infinite wisdom worked every detail out beforehand.  My mom and Dale's mom are both on spring break that very week!  So, thankfully, I will have lots of help navigating through the boxes. 

Thank you God for these precious blessings.  You are so, so good!

PS Please forgive my typos.  With the new blogger format, I am unable to locate the spell check and frankly I've become dependent on that blasted thing and no longer keep a dictionary at my side.  Obviously that will need to change because it's just too embarrassing having misspelled words everywhere and being unawares.  xoxo  You are so kind to overlook my ridiculous idiosyncrisies.


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