If I were still using Facebook...

If I were still using Facebook, I would list my productivity on my status as follows:
This morning before nine o'clock I: cleaned our room, walked two miles, cleaned out the pantry, watered  the yard, and did all the laundry. 

I am glad that I don't get on Facebook anymore because I always thought it was so annoying that people wrote their completed to-do lists as  their status.  But this morning I thought of them fondly and could relate to their intentions in doing so. 

Here's something really cool that happened this morning to boot.  Leila opened the cabinet and stood in mouth-open-awe at the lovely display of cans and boxes neatly organized in grocery store fashion.  Instant gratification.  Someone recognized and appreciated my work. 

What I don't want to tell you is that I... didn't make Dale anything to take in his lunch this morning.  The only thing he had for to eat for breakfast was the last couple of packages of instant oatmeal.  He couldn't find the snacks he usually takes to work because most of them were- gone.  Hence the cleaning of the pantry.  He asked why we didn't have so many things.  I couldn't answer until I opened the door to the pantry and realized that it only looked full because it was full of mostly empty boxes that needed to be cleaned out.

And also I couldn't find the dogs this morning so I assumed they were upstairs with the kids.  I went to bed early and from total exhaustion last night and missed a few details.  One of those being the dogs.  They slept in the basement.  And pooped on the floor.  Nasty. 

But I got a lot of things done today and by golly, I am excited about it!

I am wondering if we have a dead mouse in our air conditioning ducts.  Every time the air conditioner kicked on yesterday I was overcome by that awful stench.  I know it well because we had mice way back when we lived in the country.  So far we have not had mice here, but I know that smell.  Any advice I rooting it out?  I can't risk the decomposure of a mouse in the ducts when it's time to turn up the heat!



  1. let the odor linger - be thankful you don't live in squalor!

  2. I am not sure why I can't sign in correctly...If I were on facebook I am pretty sure I would wake up in the morning and the computer would be gone or have a new password! Thank God I had the willpower to let it go. You being 7 months pregnant put me to shame with all that work you have completed before 9am!! Hope you are resting when you get a chance. Love you, Cara


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