
God has answered our prayers! After much investigation and a small fortune in odor fighters, we have found the cause of the stink in our house and resolved it completely! Hallelujah! Turns out it was sewer gas and all of you that told me to pour water down the drain were right! We didn't know that there was a second floor drain in our basement that had gone totally neglected all this time, only to blast sewer gasses through the house in greater and greater portions for the past month. Thankfully we didn't have a massive explosion or any psychotic behavior- any more than usual anyway. 
Speaking of being thankful, I can never fully express my gratitude for the answer to our prayers to come home. This time last year we were anticipating a moving date and truly had an end in sight to our- adveture- in California. Weeks before as the season of joy approached, we were fighting a constant undercurrent of sadness on account of being so far away.
I don't know why God loves us the way He does.  It seems His blessing will never cease, even though my failures seem to veil the true intentions of my heart toward Him over and over again.  But I am thankful, completely and totally thankful.  God has blessed my life and given me every good and perfect gift in my life. 
So Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and as you count your blessings, name them one by one!


  1. Those cookies look delicious!

  2. There are twenty-four of them! How much time do you have?

  3. Becca, Hello!! I've been wanting to connect ever since you sent your last letter, but am a snail mail kind of gal. I want to send you a Christmas letter, but don't have your address. Could you get it to Al on his face book page or send it to me at our new address: 915 5th St. Fairbury, Ne. 68352. I'd love to connect again! Sharlyn Kroeker


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