Rest for the Weary

We worked hard outside after school today. The yard was overgrown with weeds. Cleaning it up is always an ordeal because we just seem to forget about it, except for the weekly mowing.

After every one was cleaned up, it felt good just to sit around and relax. It's funny that hard work does that to you.

The kids crack me up when we are working in the yard. They act like it's the worst thing ever until we have been out there for a little bit and they start to discover things on nature.

At one point Kennedy said, "Hey Deisha! There's a wounded butterfly over here! Come and get it!" I wonder if she was thinking it would be a quick end for the wounded soul.

A little later Deisha called out to Leila, "That's a mighty fine worm ya got there!" Where does she get this stuff?!



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