
This is honestly the first chance I have had to fold this laundry. I have kept up with the washing; I can always throw a load in on my way out the door. The folding takes time. Time is what I do not have.

This is what I am looking at right now. It's my bedroom. It's a mess. What's worse is that this is what it looks like more often than not lately. 
Here's what made me want to write this post. I haven't gotten a single complaint from the dreamy guy I share this room with. Not a single groan or heavy sigh from the fella that can't stand to walk into a house strewn with toys and clothes. And to bring it home, my whole house looks like this right now.  He's been incredibly patient over the whole deal. It makes me want to clean house and get fancied up before he gets home tonight. I think I will!



  1. One thing at a time each day. Monday-bathrooms, Tuesday-sweeping, Wed-little kid's laundry......That is what I do. I just simply cannot do everything in one day anymore. I get way too tired if I try.


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