United on the Homefront

I am so, so happy to have all of my children home!!

I know it's difficult to imagine, but my life is more simple, more quiet, more organized, more laid back when even one of my seven children are gone. But it's just not right. I miss them so much. Usually I use the time to clean out the missng link's room. It's always a relief to unload the countless trashbags and vacuum the carpet. Once tha's done, I am ready for them to come home.

This past week Leila and Deisha were at my mom's for Little Girls' Camp. They had the time of their lives. Leila even cried a little on the way home because she already missed her sweet Nana. I can't blame her. I miss her too.

I wish I could take you all to Nanaland. My mother is one of the most selfless and most hospitable people I know. She is a shining symbol of godliness to our children without fail!

I know I will tire of the rat race at some point, with a houseful of children, but right now I am really loving my life. The Lord has blessed us and I am grateful!!



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