
I am not sure what it is about being pregnant that makes me a lazy cow. Is it the extra weight? Is it the hormone overload? Do I need more sleep? Is it that my body is working overtime to construct a living, breathing human? Maybe it's the fact that when I'm pregnant I stop exercising, start eating junk food, neglect a good portion of my daily responsibilities, and naptoo much.
Whatever it is, it's bad.

So here's my plan. I am going to try to do these six things everyday. Help me. Help me! Ask me if I did all six things before I took a nap or treated myself to a cornucopia of gas station delicacies!

I know it seems silly that I have to write these things down to get them done. They are small tasks that shouldn't take any motivation, but they do. Everything does. My day is taken up by piddly, meaningless, time-consuming tasks that crowd out my responsibilities; which is why I need this little list. Even if it doesn't accomplish much in the grand scheme of things, it will be an accomplishment nonetheless.

Happy weekend, my sweet friends!



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