Pregnancy Update

Hi my sweet friends! Some of you this is our only communication most of the time. Others of you talk to me regularly and have to hear my post repeated multiple times. Either way, I thought an update would be appropriate.

I will be 38 weeks tomorrow and have, as usual, been anticipating labor every minute of this last month. Strangely, the closer I get to my due date, the more nervous I get about labor. I just can't get past the dangerous possibilities of everything that could go wrong. Being 36 years old and after 8 pregnancies, I am at a high risk. I should be avoiding the internet altogether because most recently I've learned that after five deliveries your uterus can start to let you down, being unable to contract properly and what not. It's silly, I know, but it's in my head now. I am drinking red raspberry leaf tea 3-4 cups a day to prepare my overworked uterus and trusting the Lord that I am His handiwork and having babies is the good work that He prepared for me in advance! Therein, He gave me a super-uterus that will in no ways fail me or this baby!

Maybe you remember a recent post that I wrote about needing to give up sugar. I rebelled against that conviction soon after I found out that I didn't have gestational diabetes. As a matter of fact, I spun out completely. In recent days, I have sought the Lord for help in this area and changed my perspective from abandoning sugar by way of a diet to a simple neglect of this vice that has consumed me for so long with the Lord's gentle leading one day at a time. In a surprising turn of events, I feel better! I feel more normal, not so heavy and draggy. I can't believe the difference! With that, in honor of a birthday date, I had a few bites of Mcah's birthday ice cream. It upset my stomach significantly for about an hour. It's kind of like when you drink loads of caffeine, and then you quit, and then you have a Coke, it gives you a jolt. Who knew it could affect me so much! I'm a junkie girls. My addiction has forced reality from my grasp in this area.

In other news, we have stomach flu. It's been cycling through the whole house for days. I got hit today, but managed to stave off the vomit with the same magic tea that is prepping my inards for childbirth. It's kind of a miracle. Everyone else that has had it has thrown up at least once. Praise be to God, the giver of every good gift!

Pray for me this next few weeks that my courage will be up and that the baby will come in perfect time and delivery!  Hopefully we will have a good report for you soon!



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