Everything Changes

It's been 11 days since the Lord made His face to shine upon us in the birth of our precious son. It seems impossible that that much time has passed already!

The story of his birth has the fingerprint of God all over it. I want to shout it from the rooftops that the Lord was good to me in His perfect Providence.

Weeks before my due date I was already beginning to dilate, which triggered my eager anticipation of the finishline. By 38 weeks I was 3 cm dilated and 70% efaced. I was having tons of false labor and my anxiety mounted every time we left town.

I was praying for a moderately paced delivery and hoping to go on my own. At my 39 week appointment my blood pressure was unusually high. The nurse and doctor both looked at me with concerned expressions which only added to my anxiety.

To be continued...



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