I am constantly considering the way that I do things and the reason I do things the way I do. Most commonly, I rethink the way that I am parenting this small village of people under my roof. After spending a long weekend with our good friends, away from the kids and the constant motion, I learned a lot. 1. Teaching our children to respond appropriately to injustice is more important than catching the instigator. They will continue to be antagonized throughout their lives in various circumstances. This is the perfect time to catch and correct their impulsive tendencies. 2. Modeling produces the best results. Monkey see, monkey do. 3. We are training our children to become responsible adults by establishing good habits. I have been toiling over the ever-growing list of rules that exist in this house. I fear that I am burdening my poor children with yoke of the law. I decided to limit video games to 2 days a week several months ago. It was a good change, but now I find some of my niƱo...