I am constantly considering the way that I do things and the reason I do things the way I do. Most commonly, I rethink the way that I am parenting this small village of people under my roof. After spending a long weekend with our good friends, away from the kids and the constant motion, I learned a lot.
1. Teaching our children to respond appropriately to injustice is more important than catching the instigator.
They will continue to be antagonized throughout their lives in various circumstances. This is the perfect time to catch and correct their impulsive tendencies.
2. Modeling produces the best results.
Monkey see, monkey do.
3. We are training our children to become responsible adults by establishing good habits.
I have been toiling over the ever-growing list of rules that exist in this house. I fear that I am burdening my poor children with yoke of the law. I decided to limit video games to 2 days a week several months ago. It was a good change, but now I find some of my niños spending the entire remainder of the day, post schoolwork, buried in the mines of Minecraft. I have made casual mention of my growing disapproval of this behavior, but not wanting to place further restrictions on them without good cause, I have not established a time limit on game days. Any advice concerning this matter is most welcome!!
Tonight it occurred to me that I am not restricting these activities to be cruel or harsh, but because it is an unprofitable habit to spend countless hours mining!
The same is true for staying awake into the wee hours of morning. (ironically, I am writing this at 1:38AM!) Haaaaahahaha! I really thought about this one though, before announcing the new "lights out" policy. I had a few children that were coming down late in the morning, crabby during the day, and displaying a bad attitude when asked to do chores not assigned to them. Come to find out, these very children were up until 2:00AM the night before. Hmph! It gave me great confidence to announce the new policy when I realized that it is an investment into their future patterns of behavior. When my daughter cried at the prospect of having to sleep at night, it shook me a little, but I stood my ground, knowing that she would see improvements right away after correcting her former habit.
I am applying this new found insight to most of the house rules. Some, of course, are for safety. Others are preventive measures to keep the peace in a house full of people. But most of them are training for life. It has helped to weed out some of the unnecessary restrictions.
In recent news, my sweet dreams of baby chicks coming home to lay have been bashed in by the ding-dang zoning laws. Because of this I have felt feverishly compelled to ready our house for sale, and I have been in search for an acreage. Please pray that the Lord will give us His favor in both of these endeavors! He is good and continues to bless us in the coolest ways. I want to please Him. On the farm. Where my destiny and the destiny of my precious country crew lie!
One more thing! I would really like to be out of one and into the next by the end of July, before Dale starts the PhD program. I'm afraid I will be on my own past that date, and frankly, I might not want to do it so badly if I have to do it without his hulking muscles!
Happy days to you, my sweet friends!
Sweet Babies!!