The ups

So many happy things happening right now...

I just cleaned my shower. It's been awhile. I was scrapping the tile for hours. It's so sparkly clean, I can't wait to take a bath!! 

Also, I initiated quiet reading time for one hour during nap time today. I'm alone in a quiet room, uninterrupted. This is what I need every day. Exercise, vitamins, gobs of water, fruits and veggies, as magical and healthful as they are, can never tend to my soul like a few quiet moments of alone time. I need it so desperately I can't even fully articulated it. Thank you, God!

I have a self-cleaning oven that has never cleaned itself. It's doing it right now. It smells awful and Leila's pretty sure the house will burn down, but it's going to be so clean that I will want to cook something in it!! 

By the way, people are preparing meals in mason jars and putting them in their dishwashers along with dirty dishes, to be cooked while the washer runs. What?! Wait... What? Are you telling me that this is a real thing? No, actually, I am telling you someone told me about it. That's funny stuff right there! And a little loco... Have you seen this? Have you tried it? I'm dying to know!!

Also, this happened last night in the wee hours... 
And on a blurry note...
It was so fun. I'm a tiny bit sad we couldn't be seen in our Star Wars masks, because they don't really allow that anymore, but it was a great time. I slept through a good bit of the movie. Prime+Recliners=zzzzz's. I was with my crew and we were happy to be there together. Thanks to the dreamy guy with the beard, we're making memories and living the dream.

Christmas is coming. Make it count!



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