{Mom Hacks} *in the car

Because when there is more than one kid, the noise... Even when they’re just talking, the volume in the car rises exponentially every time another voice joins the conversation.

Let me introduce you to a little tool I call “no talk mode”.
Suzy says to Ben, “Bet I can make this sound longer than you can!”
Ben responds, “Nugget-uh! I can do it longer! Berrrrrrrrenrneneneeeeee”
Suzy says, “Berrrrremerrnenrenenrnrehgghjjememrmrmee.”
At this point everyone I’m the car has raised their volume to be heard, and Dad has turned up the radio. Mom calmly says, “Ben and Suzy, you are on No Talk Mode for 5 mi utes. At 1:46 you can talk. 

A few pointers:
Tell them what time they can talk so that when you forget, they will remember.
If they don’t stop talking, have them close their eyes for the duration of the time allotted.
If they continue to talk or make noise, usually giggling, have them sit on their hands or hold their hands together in their laps.
Add minutes each time they break the no-talk rule.

What can I say except... you’re welcome.


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