
In a crazy storm of anxiety and hormones, the Lord saw me in my distress and answered from heaven. 

This week we spent three days with our precious friends in Arnold, Mo. We have decades of history, but as our kids grow, we find it more and more difficult to get together. I can’t remember the last time we saw them, until now.

It’s funny that we all love being together so much. But we also crave time when the guys get away and us girls have a chance to catch up. Usually when we get together, the four of us go out for dinner while our gaggle of ninos stay with a sitter. Now that our kids are big enough to self-sit, we were excited to get out. 

I’m not sure what happened in the exchange but before I went to the bathroom, we were all going out together. When I got out of the bathroom, the guys were in the truck and we were loading up the minivan. If we’re being really honest, I was a little disappointed. When we are all together, we laugh so much and have such a great time, I knew this was our only chance for that, and it wasn’t going to happen. 

We went to a very cool place anyway and enjoyed some uninterrupted soul care. I shared some things that had been building up for a while, she gave some good feedback that helped me to think it through with a little more understanding, and we headed home.

I’m not sure where the switch happened, but by the time we pulled into the driveway, I was sobbing. My sweet friend spoke the truth to me and gently soothed my soul. She’s a gift to me.

I went to bed thinking about how precious the truth is. My avoidance of saying hard things is something God has been working me over for a long time. It was comforting to hear, even though it was hard, and I am grateful. 

I fear the reaction of saying hard things. The thing is, when we are confronted with the truth, we have a choice to make. Do we accept it or reject it? I can’t take the responsibility of that choice when I’m in a position to give truth. 

May God in His mercy lead us in wisdom.



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