day one

Today was my first day of total isolation. Everyday for the past week I've gone to the store. After yesterday's haul I decided enough is enough. The kids are holding up pretty well, considering it's been raining and cold, so we've been mostly inside day and night. They've been essentially quarantined for about a week. No friends, no church, no stores. I did take them out for ice cream, but drive-thru only.

Today, for the first time I felt bored. Like, bored, bored. I always have all these ideas for other people when they say they don't know what to do with themselves, but I had nothing on my list. We did all the things. Devotions, exercise, shower, bake something, organize something, clean something. Made dinner. Played shopkins. Kitchen dance party. Kids went outside, and I stared at the clock. Not like I used to when I needed bedtime to come. I sort of hate bedtime because I'm not sleeping well either.

Last night I woke up smelling a strange burning smell. It woke me out of a dead sleep. I quickly realized it was a skunk. It played into the crazy feeling I'm trying to tamp down. I stayed awake for another hour. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to make it count. I'll just need to figure out what that means.



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