wash your hands

Every time we get out of the car, I say, "Everyone wash your hands as sooooon as you get into the house!" I've never been obsessive about hand washing. Matter of fact, I have more likely suggested handwashing in various situations, than expected it. I'm not fixated on things the way some people are. I don't see germs lurking everywhere. I honestly don't see germs as a threat, if you want to know the truth. I see them as an opportunity to boost immunity, within reason. I let my babies be exposed to things that might have seemed irresponsible, but I never had sickly kids, and I really believe it is because they have hearty immune systems because of that.

Today I went to the store again. I keep going. I keep thinking of a few more things we might wish we had in the apocalypse. Sausage. Baking powder. Those little white powdered donuts, they have a stable shelf-life, right? No sign of TP, but hopefully I can get some soap, maybe by some chance, I'll find a lone refill bottle of foaming soap. Guess what, I know a hack for that. And I already have the stuff for it, so now I have to keep reminding myself to stop looking for soap. I can make my own.

Here's the hack. When your foaming soap pump runs dry, add about half an inch of dish soap to the bottle. Now fill it about 3/4ths full with a gentle stream of water. Screw the pump back on, shake it up and you're washing your hands again for another month! Or week. Or few days... depending on how much security the washing brings you. You'll get no judgment from me, just make sure you look for hand lotion if you brave the grocery store again.

Godspeed, friends. Say your prayers and find your courage in the words of eternal life. Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. And as long as we have the internet, you've got me!



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