run the race

Sunday afternoon we spent long hours sitting in the sun, having important discussions about life and the wind and people and God. One of the boys was hitting pitched balls one after the next, and I mentioned that at five years old, he’s a natural athlete. “Watch the boys in a race; you'll see what I mean.” Right away a race was announced, and the littles lined up. Kennedy used chalk to mark the finish line on the road.

“Spread them out! They are gonna push each other down,” Tre said, just before the race began. Kennedy quickly drew starting blocks for each one, spread a few feet apart.

“On your marks, get set… GO!”

They were off in a flash! All three kids ran full-speed ahead. Clinton wove between Mose and Scarlette, tripping over Moses’s shoe. Mose kept running, but Clinton slammed into Scarlette, and both went skidding along the asphalt face-first. Blood and tears stained their hands, faces and knees. It was devastating for both of them.

I came in after the race and flew into a rage at the dog, who was tearing things up in the house while we were all soaking in the sunshine outside. The day before I took it out on the kids, who were constantly fighting. I keep crashing and burning, too. God is really showing me my frailty, and how I absolutely cannot be what I long to be without coming to Him every single day.

We will get pushed, tripped, grabbed, knocked over and go down in the race set before us. It’s going to happen many, many times, but we are not among those without hope. After every spill, we must get up, ask forgiveness, and keep going back to Jesus for strength and wisdom. He will fill us in ways nothing else can.

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. John 15:4


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