evening migraine

"Stop waiting for things to go back to normal and start working on a new normal."

Oh, yeah... This is my real life, right now, not after coronavirus is cleared up. Not after the weather improves. Not after the little one gets bigger. This is it. I have a responsibility to LIVE right now, not wait it out.

It's so bizarre that this has taken me for such a ride! I am a stay-at-homeschool mom. This is my jam! I do "stay home" all of my life!! Why in the world is it wrecking me? Why am I bored for the first time in a zillion forevers? I've never been bored in my entire adult life. I'm not good at a lot of things, but I am really good at staying home. I should be rejoicing in the order to "shelter in place" but instead I'm baking cookies and eating half the cookie dough. I'm having emotional breakdowns that send me spiraling into the closet with a bag of reeses peanut butter cups. I'm playing a game on my iPad until my hand is so cramped I'm afraid I've contracted arthritis while I'm waiting to get coronavirus.

You want to know what has helped me tremendously? Routine. Not slacking off on our schoolwork. Getting up and getting busy. Doing the routine. Writing the list, then moving through the list. Then lunch. Devotions. Exercise. Housework. Dinner. That's the whole day, pretty much. If I can get all of this done, I have had a good day. When I cancel school and blow through the day on Facebook and eat all the candy and make cookies and eat all the dough and play a game on my iPad till I get arthritis, that's a pretty good indicator that I'm NOT ok.

I love that we're in it together, though. I love that when I post all the raw real emotional turmoil in my life, I don't get a bunch of backlash and condemnation, not to my face, anyway. I just get a lot of supportive "me too"s. That makes it all seem not so isolating and not so long.


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