
My grandpa was a reader. He lived in a little house with a lot of people and never had too much to say. I loved him so dang much, with that almost freshly-shaved, scratchy chin on my face when he kissed my cheek. He always smelled so good, just a hint of a Old Spice, smoke, coffee, and Doublemint gum. Always the gum. I carry it in my purse now because it makes me feel like he's not so far away. He always called me "Rebecca" punching each syllable in rhythm. Every chance I could, I would sit with him in the dark kitchen. Jonny Carson would be playing on the TV there, and also in the living room just a few feet away where Grandma was folding laundry. Grampa would unwrap the soiled bandages from his feet and rewrap them every night. I'd sit next to him and watch as he carefully disposed of the old bandages and replaced them with new ones and clean socks. I remember asking him it hurt, but he'd never fess up. He'd always say, "Not too bad." I could ...