work hard and do the right thing

Some kind of wonderful...

Today I returned from a weekend in my hometown with all my hometown family. It was so rich and good and right. I missed my mom, and really needed to be there. Making food in her kitchen. Eating meals at her table. Going to bed too late inside the walls of the big house I grew up in. I missed my dad too, he's not the most sentimental man I know, but he has the most tender heart.

I don't think my parents had eyes on doing something great when they started their family. They were just young and in love, working hard and doing the right thing. They started in a trailer and moved into a little house when I was very young. I can remember when I was getting close to starting kindergarten, they bought a huge house just a few blocks down the street. We thought we were moving into a mansion complete with a creepy basement and a haunted attic. I was over the moon to have a room with my sister right next to my parent. It felt safe and close.

As we grew, they taught us to practice good hygiene, how to clean the house, and how to navigate disagreements. We were in church every time the doors were open, and we had a loving family inside those walls, laying a rich history that would be the story of our lives.

My dad taught us about money as best he could, but we learned more from what was caught than what was taught. He was always careful to live by a budget and save money even when he didn't have much left after bills and groceries. We drove cars that were paid in full. Mine caught on fire a couple of times, but it always gave me a warning before it ignited. Haha... We didn't have expensive clothes, but what we had was clean and didn't have holes or stains, unless they were intentional.

We ate beautiful meals as a family around the table almost every night and especially on Sunday afternoons. My parents worked hard and did the right thing, weaving a beautiful tapestry of faith, hope, and love in our family.

I feel like the country is in flames, and I must respond. But what must I do? The Lord is so kind to bring me back to this simple truth. Work hard and do the right thing. He will show me when there is more. Until then, I will do what is mine to do. Nothing more, and nothing less.



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