inflame my affections

O Dear Father,

Forgive me for my unthankfulness, the love of the world, and contempt of all Your heavenly benefits. Grant me Your Holy Spirit to illuminate the eyes of my mind with the light and living knowledge of Your presence, power, wisdom, and goodness. Inflame my affections that I may desire nothing on earth but you, and to be present with you. I pray, give me these things in Your good time.  
Valley of Vision, pg 178

I don't understand how sometimes I can feel so close to Jesus that I could practically reach out and touch Him. Other times I sit in quiet meditation and there's static in my mind. I open my Bible and the words are flat on the page, hardly penetrating the white noise in my head. I spend more time drawing near, I start cutting out music that doesn't give me truth, I quiet my heart, and still I ache from a distance to feel His nearness again. It must have been terrible for the disciples when He would walk away from them after sending them off in a different direction. That's what it feels like for me.

There's a quote that occasionally surfaces in my life that sounds alarms each time I read it. "If the devil can't snare you with sin, he'll keep you busy." Mercy... Last week I said out loud, "Work is an idol to me." I get busy on something and I can't stop, won't stop till it's done. I steamroll everything that matters to get to the finish line. I'm that girl in the roller derby that elbows every person in her path to get ahead. It's embarrassing. Fortunately, my body isn't as young and strong as it once was, and I am forced to sleep instead of burning the midnight oil.

For me to be close to Jesus, I absolutely must come to Him as soon as I am able, at the beginning of the day. If I wait until I've finished other things, it's very hard to get quiet with Him. If you have let your quiet time with God slip away, recapture it right now. You are not too far gone. You should not wait until tomorrow for a fresh start. Stop reading and open your Bible or close your eyes. Jesus is the source of all joy, all peace, all hope, all satisfaction. Whatever you are searching for here, He has it. Go to Him. God will meet the cry of your heart.



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