living the dream

Every time we leave my hometown, Scarlette bemoans the fact that my sister’s house has everything she has ever wanted in life. A pool. A trampoline. Chickens. A country house. Fruit trees. Bonfires. A pond. I gotta be honest, it’s pretty much everything we all want. 

Tonight we spent the evening at her house, and she did not disappoint. First, she and her husband had a huge bonfire that lit up the night. Next we had a beautiful advent candle lighting ceremony. After dinner we roasted marshmallows in the fireplace for s’mores and then played the coolest new game for the switch. I was joking about what a let down my house would be when she and the kids stay with us. I’m way less fun than she is. 

It would be really easy to let shame creep in and pick apart all the ways I don’t measure up. It’s something I’ve always struggled with, but I’m not doing it. I’m so happy we got to come have such a great night. I’m celebrating making sweet memories instead. 

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:17‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬


  1. I love that you all had an Advent reading to celebrate the second week. I love the Nativity scene.


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