

It’s been a crazy run of activity for the past month. I get to the end of each day and I don’t know what to say here. In the quiet hours I recognize that I need to stop. Notice. Feel. Be grateful. But I’m tired. A lot is required of me in 24 hours, and I forget to be present. 

Even though I’ve missed an entire month of writing, I want to finish the year strong. So, here I am on the first day of December, flipping through photos for inspiration. The photos of completed puzzles, of a huddle around playing cards, and sleepy eyes and smiling faces, of togetherness are what triggered a rush a pure joy. They are evidence to me that I haven’t wasted the days, I’ve cherished the time and been filled with rich goodness and simplicity with the people closest to me. 

As the rush of the hustle and bustle begins, don’t forget to notice. Feel. Be grateful. The joy is in the journey. There is real peace in Jesus, and He will give it to you when you seek Him with your whole heart.

“But he who listens to me shall live securely And will be at ease from the dread of evil.” Proverbs‬ ‭1:33‬ ‭


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