the eves before Christmas eve

This week we started Christmas break, so this morning I did my usual route and didn't have to hurry up and get busy when I got home. I took a nap, had some lunch, and then sat at the table and talked to my dreamy husband about stuff and nothing. We're sitting in our chairs now reading and praying and watching the sun begin to set. 

My life doesn't seem incredibly busy, but when I have a day that doesn't require a lot of me, I don't quite know what to do with myself. Getting up to drive at 3am scrambles my brain for the remainder of the day, too, so that could be part of it. But I am grateful for some time to sit and do nothing. It's a rare commodity.

It's December 22nd, and the kids have been jumping on the trampoline for hours. It's 60 degrees. I'll never understand this crazy Missouri weather. The long fall and slow, erratic freezes have made it hard for the fruit flies to go under, so we have fly paper hanging in our kitchen. I hate it, but it thrills me to see them collecting on the paper instead of settling on the edge of my tea cup. 

I don't have much inspiration today, but I wanted to remind you to find a quiet place today and listen for Jesus. 



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