Home again

When I go home to visit, I go back to the house I grew up in. People in my town know where my house is because they know my parents or they knew my brothers or my sister. They went to church with us or dropped kids off there for babysitting . When I lived there I couldn’t wait to leave. I was wills at heart and wanted adventure. I never could appreciate our 9-5 life. It was too predictable and too boring. We all left the house around the same time each morning, and we all came home around the same time. We ate dinner together almost every night, and on the weekends, it was always the same. Saturday was for grocery shopping and Sunday was for church. On Sunday afternoons almost everyone took a nap. I knew what to expect and how things would go on most days. I didn’t live in fear of what would happen when my dad got home at the end of the day. I always knew there would be three meals and snacks at home. I had someone to call when my car caught on fire both times. I knew if I needed anything, my mom would try to help me get it.

We didn’t eat our very often, nor did we go shopping for fun. We lived a modest life, but it was safe and good. I didn’t realize how rich we were until I left home and started comparing notes with people. I had a simple predictable life, while others were on the verge of collapse from carrying the weight of the world at a young age. I don’t know how to explain it, how I was chosen for this and someone else was chosen for something completely different, but I am grateful. My parents lived by the principles of peace and service and forgiveness, which translated into a simple predictable life for me and my siblings. 

In turn, we are raising our children by the virtues of our faith in Jesus, and they have a peaceful, predictable life. 

I don’t know how else till explain it, except that there is life and peace in Jesus, available to all who would receive Him.

 “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,”

‭‭John‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬



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