

I want to be great at growing things and cultivating life, but I’m terribly forgetful and easily distracted. Once in a while I receive a plant for gift and determine to turn over a new leaf and water it regularly. It’s a lie I tell myself. Instead I end up killing it every time. 

When I let go of the dream to return our backyard to the oasis of beauty of its former days, I began to transplant pieces of the mess in the backyard and place it strategically in the front yard where I could more efficiently manage them. Because of the genius of the previous owners of our house, everything I’ve planted has flourished. 

A few weeks ago I noticed that there were daffodils out in the woods by our fence line. Today I dug them up and planted them in the front yard. I felt like I’d won the lottery as I collected 13 bulbs previously buried under leaves and sticks and trash the raccoons dragged out of our trash cans.

These little blessings thrill my soul and make my life beautiful. Thank you, Jesus.

“All my springs of joy are in you.””

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭87:7‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬


  1. Oh that's so wonderful. I do not have a green thumb at all. I love to see all of the beautiful plants and flowers but just do not have the ability to grow them. Raccoons are a nuisance but I find them so interesting for some reason.


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