
After reading How Not to Die, I have been attempting a plant-based eating regimen. I was sold on the science that food can hurt and food can heal. What I didn’t believe was that food, exclusively from plants, can satisfy. I’ve talked about my struggles with weight and my love affair with food before. What I have failed to mention is that I have never truly been satisfied by food.

After 10 days of eating predominantly plant-based foods, I can honestly tell you I’ve never felt more satisfied. Easter dinner was the ultimate test. I stuck to the plants and when I was done eating, I didn’t feel over-full like I usually do. I ate a piece of cake, but when I walked away from the table, I didn’t wander back to it for dessert multiple times. My appetite was satisfied so I didn’t need anything else.

When you fill your body with the things it was designed to live on, you won’t compulsively eat to satisfy yourself with other things. Your soul has the same compulsive cravings. When you fill it with the thing it was designed for, companionship with God, your appetite will be satisfied. You won’t keep trying to fill it with other things.

Give God 10 days. Read your Bible and pray every day. If you don’t have one, you can download a Bible app for free on your phone. Ask Jesus to draw near to you, and see if you find satisfaction like you’ve never known. 

“O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:8‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬


  1. Yes! I struggle with food and have all of my life. Just as you say when you feed your body with the good things it is satisfied and not looking to the next thing to fill it up. Just as when we feed our souls with the Lord and His word the things of this world grow dim and we no longer want them.


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