Got Milk?

I love to make seasonal foods; being that it's summer, I have taken every opportunity to make homemade ice cream. It's so fun and yummy, I can't stand it. I got a really good and simple recipe from one of those Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. It uses raw eggs, which eliminates all the cooking and straining and a ton of time. I used to think we were chancing it by eating the ice cream but I used my logic to reason away any bacteria in the freezing process.
Fortunately for all of us, I was watching the The Foods Channel and a pastry chef expained that there is a chemical reaction when you mix eggs and sugar together that makes the eggs safe to eat. You have to mix them for a little while, thank you KitchenAide for the greatest mixer in the universe! But if you take the time to do it, you'll have safe eggs and delicious ice cream in no time.
I love these photographs. Leila's was an accident. That's what she looks like after everything she eats. Jasmine and Kennedy thought it was really funnny though, so they did theirs to match. Jas is going for the Desperado look, while Kennedy was hoping for more of an 80's office guy appeal. Job well done.

Everytime I see Kennedy like this, food on her face, hair wild and unattended, I wonder how much more time we have with this delightful wonder of a child. I can already hear the rummblings of adolescence coming around the bend. It makes me nervous; I was such a trainwreck during those years. But until we are awoken to the realities of the coming era, we will embrace and enjoy the peaceful life of the gradeschool years.


  1. What cute pictures! Good job catching those kodak moments, Becca!! I would love that ice cream recipe, what can I say I always have and still do have quite a sugar tooth. What a good momma you are!!


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