And then there were seven

Let me start by saying WE'RE PREGNANT!  Haha!!!  Another Sutton will be making its way into the world in nine-ish months. 

Were we surprised?  Relatively.  I guess as much as you were, maybe a little less. 

Did we plan to have another baby?  Moreso than any other child, surprisingly. 

Are we going to keep having babies until we're unable to have anymore?  It's difficult to say.  My life is not my own.

We've talked about letting go of the controls in this area of our lives and frankly, its what we should have done from the beginning.  This is a walk of faith.  If we really believe that children are a blessing, a gift, a reward... well that's all I'm saying.  How real is this faith?  There are a million practical reasons not to have more children.  I thought of them all before anyone brought them to my attention.  But I believe the Bible is the standard, the manual, the actual Word of God.  It is the very rock that I want to be established on.  And it says to have children, that children are a gift from the Lord, they they are a heritage, they are like arrows in the hands of a warrior.  How can I not accept this blessing?  And besides, where does it say, "Be practical about chosing when and how many children to have."  It's God who does the chosing.

I don't know why He chose us to impart this abundance to.  It's humbling, especially in moments of weakness when I am at the end of my well of virtues and find myself screaming at some poor child in my home who is certainly undeserving of such a response. 

Pregnancy turns my internal thermostat to "moderately hostile" from morning to night.  As hard as I fight it, there is nothing good in me and the ugly continues to roar in the face of my family members.  So rather than blow every five minutes, please pray for me to be quiet.  Even if rage burns, I want to keep it locked behind my lips.  It's a new resolve. 

So there you have it.  Celebrate with us.  New life is coming!


  1. Congrats! :D And if you guys were not "letting go of the controls" up to this point I can't wait to see how many more kids you have now that you are letting go! ;D

  2. Congratulations once again :-)

    The world will never be void of redheads...the master plan is working!


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