
Oh, yeah!!!  Suprise, surprise!!!  I AM BACK!  Today I want to write about blogs.  There are so many of them.  I mean, anything I want to learn about from real people, there are literally enough blogs about that thing that I can catalogue a whole list of them- just ones I really love!  Seriously- in my favorites I have homeschooling, cooking, couponing, design inspiration, current events.... it could go on and on.  Depending on my mood, I can open the folder and learn all kinds of things about those very things.

Here's the thing about bloggers.  They have some sort of mastery.  They are good at one of those things on the list.  Get it?  I read them and want to master these things, but there's no way to master the whole list, so I read it and get inspired, and then I read some more and I start to feel inadequate. 

I always wondered what my life would be like if I didn't probe into other people's lives and try to compare myself and then try to morph into that mold.

I've been piddling away the day.  Our summer vacation started at my mom's where we celebrated my grandma's 80th birthday, which was super-duper loads of fun.  Then we came back, three kids short, and spent three days with Dale, who had a super-duper three day weekend after our weekend.  Which gave me a six-day weekend with three less kids.  The house was already clean and there's barely any laundry, so since he's gone and there's not much to do, I'm piddling away my days.  And then I got on this website  http://megduerksen.typepad.com/whatever/ and started reading and it made me want to do more with my kids this summer- to be intentional.  I spend so much of my time trying to make MY life more simple but my kids are off doing their own thing and the day's gone. 

There has to be more that I can do to make this a great summer for my crew.  She has a to-do list on her wall for the summer.  That's what I think we'll do.  We'll make a checklist and then at the end of the summer, we can look back at the list and talk about how great it was.


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