Crazy Love

I've just finished one of the most motivating books I've read in a long time.  Have you heard of this?
I can honestly say this was a wake up call for me.  A lot of my life I have worked hard to please God; constantly trying: trying to read my Bible more, trying to pray more fervently and consistently, trying to force my character to behave like His.  In these pages I found that what God wants is not the trying, He just wants me- all of me.  It seemed a bit of a conundrum at first because how can I give Him more of me without trying?  But what it comes down to is this.  If I pursue Him out of a heart of love instead of some sense of moral duty, I am giving Him all of me, moment by moment.  That in itself reciprocates a deeper love and longing for Him which returns a produce of the fruit that I have begged Him to grow in me for so long.

In this book there are stories of people that are obsessed with loving God and how that love manifests itself in the world in tangible ways.  That's what I want in my life- I want to be known by the love of God not by some talent or capability that I have.  Those things are easy and natural- but they only give the appearance of good.  The only good in me is the love that can only be manifested in me when I have spent myself in pursuit of the Giver of all good things.  It's the only thing that amounts to anything in this life. 

It's simple and yet complex enough to hang our existence on.  When I actively love God, I will automatically love others and all these things will fall into perfect alignment with that love.  So why I am striving to build sand castles in this life with the working and hustling and cleaning and fretting over peoples opinions of me?  If I spent a quarter of that energy in my pursuit of God I would be living a completely different life in no time. 

Oh that my life would be full and spent in anticipation of things to come long after this vapor has faded!


  1. i read this awhile ago and thought that i told you about it - maybe i didn't? i found it to motivating. almost like i need to read it every year.


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