Gram's Birthday

You thought I was kidding?  I kept trying to capture the sweetness of the birthday girl,and this is what kept taking over! 
Last May, Grams came to Emporia to celebrate her birthday with the crew.  It was quite a party!  The is my Uncle Bubba next to her.  It's strange to watch him age.  He has crazy Hook eyebrows and a bald head, but he's still just as charming as ever.  I have always adored him.
Jon and Cara blew us away when they showed up just about the right time for the party.  No one knew they were coming FROM NEW MEXICO!  I love surprises, and they are rare for me because no one in my house can keep a secret.  But this time we are all in shock.  I know it freaked Cara out that I kept hugging her over and over, but it was like a dream!  When we were in California she was a lifeline for me.  We spent lots of time on the phone feeling stranded and far away from the rest of the world, but somehow together.  Seeing them was just amazing.  Here's Cara with Stephanie.
 Mel and T.R. got to be there for the weekend too, which is always fun.  I have also been so blessed to have them living basically blocks away from me.  My kids have cousins that they will get to grow up with and see more than twice a year!  LOOOOOVE IT!!  Kennedy has become quite the kitchen helper in her pre-teen condition.  Jas too! I think it makes them feel a little more grown up to be in the kitchen with the women.  I love that too.
These two crack me up.  All three two-year-old girls are fireballs so the combination is totally unpredictable!  They are taking time out for a foot massage.  I'm surprised that thing is still intact as much play as it got during that weekend!
Alexa and Jasmine are BFF.  They have so much in common, being lovers of make-up and fashion.  They are also both middle children, which gives them the whole world of common ground.  I know this from personal experience.
Nana was in motion for the entire weekend.  She's always such a gracious host no matter how high the numbers of people get; and she's looking so cute in her trendy new digs! 
My dad was in motion all weekend too except when he was napping in a recliner.  It's all or nothing with him.  I always try to get up early enough to meet him at the breakfast table.  It's the best time to sit and chat; he hasn't started any of his projects for the day yet and he's not exhausted from working his projects yet.  Sometimes I can't make it early enough after burning the midnight oil with my mom the night before.  That's the best time to chat with her, after the chaos of a house full of people dies down.  I love them both so much!
This is my brother, Jon.  I always love it when he is around because he loves to play board games.  One year someone brought Balderdash to Christmas.  We had a crazy time playing that, mostly because boys are super naughty, and we all revert to being teenagers on some level when we are together.  It's all part of the fun.  He's holding the giant guinea pig, Buffalo.  Can you believe that thing?  It looks like a muskrat in this picture!  My mom took a bunch of pictures if Leila holding him and he looks as big as a cat!   
Here's proof of constant hugging!  Isn't she pretty?  She has such simple elegance about her.  She looks so meek and mild but under all that sweetness, She's a wild and crazy gal.  Believe it!     
Zane and Micah, also BFF.  
Aunt Kim and my cousin Leah, sweet Leah.  When I was fourteen I made a trip across country with these two and the other two siblings in their family.  Leah was two.  On that trip I was mostly in charge of her and people kept asking if she was mine.  I couldn't have been more proud!  She was such a funny kid and soooooo cute with her little redhead and sparkling blue eyes.  I prayed and prayed that I would have one like her.  SURPRISE! Four of em!  Isn't God funny?   
Uncle Jeff and his spunky wife Lynette.  He is sweet and quiet.  She's the wild one in their house.   
Of course my fancy-lady Sista and her new husband Jon.  I don't know what I'd do without this girl.  I used to wish we had more sisters, but now I'm glad we don't.  There's just not enough time in one night for more than two girls to gab and get everything said!

So here's another snippet of my crew.  I know; I am the luckiest.



  1. 2 pictures with my eyes open! Rare!!! That was a fun surprise! It was killing me, but it was fun to keep that secret!! One more week and we will be there! Get ready because we will be loud, full of hugs, and of course have a little naughtiness for those board
    games!!! Start the countdown....
    Love you tons! Cara


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