
Maybe I forgot to mention Deisha's birthday... did I?  I just loaded all the photos from my camera and did a quick run through this years blog posts.  For some reason I failed to mention her birthday and a few others... so here we go. My apologies if this is a repeat. Today, Deisha.
This cake was super fun to make and sooooo simple.  The terets and columns are made from ice cream cones, melted almond bark, and cherry chips.  The bricks are marshmellows.  The rest is pretty obvious.  I found a picture online that morning and voila!  We had a castle!  I feel bad when I am the lazy mom that makes a box cake and lets the kids decorate it with M & Ms.  Sometimes that's just what they want, though, so I don't feel bad for long. 
Dale's grandparents hadn't had a chance to come visit our new house until this weekend so we were thrilled to have them join our party.  This is Grandpa Welker.  Also you can see Nana and Cousin Luke in the background blowing up the balloons.  I love it when Kennedy wears that skirt with skinny jeans. 
This may be the only photograph of Deisha smiling out of the whole bunch.  The majority of the pictures are of her in just a diaper with her arms crossed in front of her, and her face in a terrible scowl!  I gotta tell you, birthday overload never produces good fruit! 
Here is another batch of our precious family: Nana, Aunt Sarah, Keegan, and Jas are in the forefront; Gavin and Hayden are in the background.  I love having my house full of people.  When I'm not pregnant I love it more.  I didn't know I was pregnant at this party so I loved it fully in my ignorance.

And then we have Mawmaw, Bud and Leila added to the mix.

I continue to rejoice in the blessings of our family being in close proximity.  It's such sweet bliss to be able to escape our house and run to theirs on a whim if we want to.  I've been feeling a little lost in other areas of my life.  It's hormonal, but feels just as real as true sadness.  Dale is so good to remind me to be thankful for what we do have in our family.  That snaps me right out of it.  I mean that usually snaps me out of it.  Sometimes I'm just unreasonable and cry anyway.  HA!  I might be crazy.



  1. Love the cake! Dale is right, things could be alot you could be a billion miles away from family again! One day at a time. Keep the pictures coming!


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