Six weeks and counting...


We're counting backwards from the usual way that expression is used. 
Usually they say, "Ten seconds and counting: ten, nine, eight..."

What I mean is that I am six weeks from the day my life changed.
Fruitbasket  upset!!

Did you ever play that?  It's a great youth group game.  The kids are all labelled as a fruit, one person is in the middle of a circle of chairs.  That person calls the name of fruit or fruits and they change places.  If the person says "Fruitbasket upset," everyone scrambles for someone else's seat.  It's chaos.  Pure chaos.

My life isn't pure chaos, it just feels like it. 
Everytime I get into the car I am siezed with panic that I've forgotten one.
I count heads,
I count heads again,
then we go.
Still I worry.

There's a moment of panic everyday. 
Yesterday I was siezed with panic when one of them brought a bowl of thawed meat
into the living room
and dripped rancid blood
all over the carpet.
We just had our carpets cleaned.
a luxury we could not afford,
but after hosting church for sixish months, we desperately needed it.

I also panicked yesterday when the dogs ran into the basement with mud all over their feet.
You can imagine how obedient they were when I screamed, "STOP! STOP!"
They ran for cover
and so did the mud.

I was getting gas in the truck the other day and there was a big tag on the gas hose that said DIESEL.  WHAAAATWHAAAAAAT?????  DIESEL???? 

Carrying groceries in one day a few weeks ago
I broke the back window on our truck. 
Repairing it was another luxury we couldn't afford
but couldn't live without.

It triggered vehicle phobia.
I am phobic about causing some other high dollar vehicle crisis.

It wasn't diesel, just an ad.
Freaked me out.
I started to shake.

Does it still qualify as postpartum after the doctor absolves you of your pregnancy at the six week checkup?
And why don't they medicate for postpartum insanity?

I don't have baby blues. 
I'm not sad, just crying.
I'm not upset, just angry.


...turn away from it all like a blindman...



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