I don't know what I'd do

If I didn't have all these kids...

Who would save me from eating all the brownie covered oreos by myself?

Who would reassure Max that he is loved after I find him eating out of the trashcan?

How would I know what life with a teenager is like?

Who would chase screaming little girls in circles with scary gorilla hands?

Who would carry Deisha around in the Snuggly sideways?

Who would take countless self-portraits with my camera?

I'd have never experienced this...

or this...

or this guinea pig's birthday party...

or seen this...

or this.

And Scooder's neck would still be cold.

And no one,
not one person,
not a single other person in the universe,
would tend to holding this giant crayon in the air,
if I didn't have all these kids.
I'm so glad they're mine.



  1. You are blessed...abundantly blessed! And I love you all!

  2. Tell Scooder that is a lovely little neck wrap...is someone trying to hide the goiter??


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