Empty House

It's a curious situation that I find myself in today... The little girls are in Emporia. The big girls are in Richmond. Dale and the boys are at the Legends, and the babies are napping. I am alone. All alone. As the door closed behind the boys, I found myself in a little bit of a dilemma. Sitting down on the floor with Moses, my phone sucked me in to the wretched Facebook time suck. It was only for a few minutes, but when I realized my situation, I got to work! Picked stuff up, wiped stuff off, cleaned stuff up, put the baby to bed, hopped in the shower, and boom. Here we are. I adore my family. I live for them. However, It's just it's a rare moment that I find myself not in high demand. No hustle. No bustle. No cooking. No cleaning. No questions, no snacks, no drinks, no diapers. No lists. No search for missing shoes. No diplomacy. It's just me, all alone with my thoughts, savoring a moment of blis...