Busy busy busy!!!

It feels so much better to DO STUFF.

The past months, I  mean year, I have been sort of living in survival mode ... doing laundry because I have to ... cleaning up but not really cleaning ... making meals, but not great ones... at the end of the day sitting with Dale playing games on my phone for hours. I have been blowing through the days just trying to get through them.  There are the occasional good days, of course.  Not that each day wasn't a good one, but my... performance as the manager of all things domestic was not good most days. 

Now the baby is sleeping hours and hours now.  The preschoolers are entertaining each other.  The girls are doing a lot more cooking.  I am finally getting all the balls in the air again!  Hahahaha.... don't judge me.  It was an analogy to juggling, and you knew it!

SO anyways... the very mention of not really reading my Bible was enough to compel me to get my Bible out.  I think about this all the time. Living life with a Biblical worldview colors everything.  The whole data-in, data-out is huge when you are raising a village.  Every detail of this life goes through the filter of what would please God.  I MUST be in the Word daily in order to rightly prove what is good and true and not some societal law that is really insignificant.  I MUST read the Bible to the children and in front of the children daily in order to establish it as our foundation!  It's absolutely critical.  I intend to do this very thing!!

On the side of all things lovely... here is the lampshade I bought at the thrift store for two dollars. Forgive my photography!  It's not on my agenda to become a photographer. You get the idea. :)

 What I did was rip off the decorative paper.  Underneath was a clean white slate.  With hot glue and some fabric that I found in my workroom,  I completely covered the shade with a single smooth piece of fabric.
 Next I cut out a million circles of fabric by hand with some dull scissors. Each circle was folded into quarters and glued onto the shade.  It was easy and turned out to be so lovely! 
My next project is to do something to this lamp to make it worthy of this lamp shade!

Just one more thing while I'm here! Check these happy girls out at Forever 21.

Now go and DO SOMETHING!  You'll feel so  much better.



  1. What a pretty lamp shade! Love it! I can't believe how big Scarlette is! We totally missed her growing up!! :( Keep up the fun!


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