Time is ticking away

Every time I talk to someone that I know only on a casual basis they say, "So how are you?"  My classic response is, "We are good!  Just busy.  Always busy..." 

I hate always busy.  I do! Let's be clear about something.  My life can't be not busy.  I have two teenagers, two adolescents, two grade schoolers, a toddler, and a breastfeeding baby.  As of today we have 12 pets.  I am responsible for feeding nine other people three times a day which is twenty-seven meals a day.  That equals like five hundred dishes.  Plus there are a thousand loads of laundry to do, and about a million questions to answer... every day.  Not to mention the diapers, the baths, and the cleaning.  That's just what happens inside these four walls! I don't prepare all those meals, or wash all those dishes, or do all that laundry.  You know I'm dramatic.  I still have to manage the chaos even if I'm not solely responsible for it!

I am a homebody.  If I could just stay here all the time I'd be as happy as I can be, but I can't.  Dale is always saying, "We can't keep this kids in the house all the time."  That's what I really want to do, but it's not fair to them.  They need to get out and meet people and see friends, even if it means I am driving back and forth to the city four times a week.  It's best for them.  I do have to remind myself of this pretty often.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that it's best for everyone if don't stay in my room all day long.  Ha! 

We are enjoying the fast pace of the summer.  Today was the first day of our summer term.  It's funny to hear the kids talk about how fun summer term is, since it's just half days of school.  I think they like the structure more than they realize!  It gives them something to get up for in the mornings and then a free afternoon to look forward to when the work is done.  I like it, too.  After Moses was born I had trouble getting back into my groove of teaching everyday.  It's nice to get back into the swing of it!  I love teaching.

On a side note, I've had some anxiety the past few days.  You know the kind where you can't get a full breath so you're yawning all day long trying to get that big breath?  I have limited my caffeine, I've been working out, and there isn't anything pressing that's sitting on my chest... Any ideas on what it could be?  Is it hormonal?  I've also been waking up in the morning sweaty.  Weird.  I'm too young for menopause, right? 




  1. hhhmmmm...I think it means you need to travel to Indiana! You miss us terribly! Am I right? :)


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