Leaping into Adulthood

As of today
Kennedy officially has
her driver's license.
I have been dragging my feet
on taking her to take the test
only for busyness's sake.
She finally asked to go
enough times
to motivate me to take her.

It hit me today
like a ton of bricks
as she sat there in
the license bureau
answering questions
and signing her name
and listing her social security number;
today marks her passage
into adulthood.
It's a long hallway
out into the real world
that she has yet to embark on
she's taking the first steps.

What is happening to my life!!!
It's slipping out of my hands
like sands in the hourglass.

First driving
then a job
then college classes
then my girl goes out from among us
to begin a life
separate from the herd.
I'm not ready!

And yet, time keeps marching on.

I'm past denial,
almost past it.
I can accept that
I am aging.
(Not very well.
I had trouble writing that.)
But I can't deny it.
Half of my little ones
are as big as I am now.
It's a sure sign that
I'm not in my 20s anymore.

It brought me
a surprising swell of pride
and joy
when she returned from
the driving test
with a smile on her face.
Even though she did make
one illegal turn.
She did it!
And so begins
one more chapter
of unchartered territory
in my life as a parent.

Lord keep her safe!
And help me to accept
the passage of time
with grace
and dignity.



  1. I know, a sad happy, is it called sappy? Wait till she's standing in front of a crowd receiving an oath, a ring, and a Husband. A few years to go,I'm sure.she's a beautiful girl inside and out.


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