On Being a Sutton

When you marry
the dreamiest guy ever
you feel like you've
hit the jackpot.
Winner winner
chicken dinner
right here.
Obviously the very best part
of being a Sutton
is this guy
coming home to me
every day.

What I didn't realize,
however, is
what a goldmine
I walked into
when I
signed on as a Sutton.
It's been more evident
this past week
than ever before.
Dale has talked about
making a trip
down home
for years.

Of course I wanted to go,
All these folks are
kin to me.
They have been for
17 years,
and yet I barely knew them.
I just never realized
how readily
they would embrace
me and mine
as their own.

And this is what Suttons do.  I feel like I have missed out for years, always nursing a baby or staying home with little ones. I can't fail to mention the Welkers here, I adore them too.  This whole bunch... they are some of the most generous, selfless people I've ever known.
We left California, life in the fast lane, to come home for this. In the summer we sit under the shade trees. In the winter, we sit in the garage. Talking and laughing and playing cards and eating...
so. much. fun.
Living the dream.
He's a cousin.
We just met.
I feel like
He's Dale's long lost brother.
Love this guy.
He feels like an uncle to my kids.
There were several times
I heard him
telling my big kids
he had an open knee
while Deisha
occupied the other one.

Someday they'll say
I'm like Aunt Barb
who makes everyone feel
frozen in time
in their childhood.
If you need some attention
This is your gal right here.
She knows how to
make you feel better.

Beautiful girl. My other mother. What would I do without her... she is kind of amazing. Even in her sadness, she is tending to the needs of others. I want to be like her.
And the very best thing
about being a Sutton,
is that Suttons reproduce.
Be still my beating heart...



  1. Becca, I can't even begin to describe how much I love you, Dale and your beautiful children. You speak of the kindness and generosity of others, while everyone else is speaking the same words of you. I do not know you nearly as well I would like to, but I feel like you are a close friend and that is because you make everyone around you feel loved and special. Just a few of the words I heard while others were talking about you; graceful, patient, and beautiful inside and out. The song you sang to remember Uncle Lonnie was perfect- Thank you!. I love you. <3

    1. Beth, I feel the same way! I wish we had some time to really get to know each other. You are a treasure. Thank you for sharing such generous kindness with me. I just adore you!!


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