New Beginnings

It's Wednesday.
It's a new day.
I have this crazy resolve to
do it all.
See everyone.
Go everywhere.
Forget money, make this day count.
I am trusting the Lord
to give me wisdom
and provision
so that in this life
I will be
His hands and feet,
His hugs,
His voice,
His presence in mine.

Take this life and let it be
Consecrated Lord to Thee...

Oh to be His hand extended
Reaching out to the oppressed...

I want to live
as if this is the only day of my life.
Making the most of
so that it counts.
Oh Lord, please keep me near
this reality,
this urgency
that YOU are the author of life.
That YOU are the giver of
every good and perfect gift.
That YOU are able to do
abundantly more...
That the more I give away
in every way,
the more I look like You.
Precious moments...



  1. Woohoo!!!! After all these brownies, I hope I will have some clothes to pack!! Hahaha i will be making them all the time now!!!


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