It is what it is

Everything this little girls draws has lots of people. Her life is full of people and noise and stuff and all the fun and drama that comes with that. 
And speaking of big family life...

Yesterday was Sunday. Sunday is always a big day for us because it's one of very few days of the week that we have to be ready to be somewhere in the morning.

I was on top of the world when we left the house right on time. No one was yelling. No one was crying. Everyone was excited to go.

Now, on lovely spring and fall mornings, our church sets up a canopy over the breakfast tables so that the congestion around the food is lessened. I love this because we tend to be in the way, pretty much everywhere we go, so I'm constantly herding my crew through the line so other people can get in.

Before we even got out of the car, I noticed a little spot on my already wrinkled white linen blouse. I straightened it out and noticed another. There were a few more drops and a big group of spots on the hemline, as if someone had used my only new (like from a store) blouse to wipe up the coffee they spilled on the table. :/ It was too late to go back. I hung my giant purse over it and hoped for the best-that no one would notice.

As we approached the donut line, I saw that couple. You know how every church has a superstar couple that always looks perfect? Their clothes, their hair, their kids, and they are the stinkin' nicest people you'd ever meet? Like they can do no wrong...yep. They were right there drinking their perfect coffee while their perfect kids ate their perfect donuts without getting frosting anywhere on their perfect faces. They said hello in the nicest way, making me grateful that I hadn't just screamed at everyone in the car before we got out.

I smiled and said hi as I glanced over my shoulder to see if I had left anyone in the car. (It happens.) What I saw startled me. Both of my little boys had pants on that were too small. My little girls still had rats in their hair from the night before. One of them had a dirty sweater stretched over her tank dress that was on backwards. The other one wore mismatched gym socks with her church shoes. Boy howdy... We were a wreck!

I can honestly tell you, The Perfects didn't bat an eye at how nuts we looked. They were just as warm and friendly as ever. 

I refuse to be ashamed. These are the hazards of life in a big family. And to tell you the truth, I'd rather have a happy start to our Sunday morning of worship than to come dragging in after a battle over who's wearing what, ripping a comb through someone's hair, and screaming on my way out the door for everyone to MOVE IT! Because we're late. 

After all, it's Lord's day. He doesn't care what we look like, He wants our hearts.



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