
I love systems.

Systems work when you put them in place and reinforce them with routine.

What happens at my house, tell me I'm not alone here, is, I spend a month thinking about a system that might work. Then I spend a weekend putting it together, writing it down, making charts and graphs and algorithms that will ensure it's functionality. With grand fanfare, I introduce it and get the kids on-board. And THEN we try it. For a month-ish... AAAANNNDDD that's it. Whether it works or not, this is how most of my systems go. However, I have a had a few home run hitters that stuck. My Mombux system is one of the record-breakers.

I laugh out loud every time someone asks me how it works because it started out as a joke. There was a reference to Mombux on the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies. I've never seen them or I'd quote it for you, but one of the boys told me he wished I gave out Mombux. In the movie, 1 Mombuck equals one dollar, like a real dollar. (insert ridiculous laughter) I immediately thought of Schrute Bucks, from the Office. Did you see that one? Naturally I responded, "Ok, yes! Let's do it! I'll give you 1 Mombuck to take the trash out."

"Oh, what can I get with 1 Mombuck?"

Well, in typical Dwight Schrute fashion, I responded, "When you have earned 100 Mombux, you will receive 1 Super Star. After you've earned 3 Super Stars, you can get a soda from Sonic Happy Hour."

Skeptically, the children stared as they did the math. "So we can get a soda if we get 300 Mombux?"

"Right." I thought that would be the end of the discussion. One kid left the room and came back.

"I took the trash out, what else can I do?"

Wait, WHAT? You're good with that?! You'll do 300 chores for a soda? Ok!! "You can fold this laundry and put it away."

(Runs to do it before anyone else.)

Umm... this is too good to be true. It was born out of a joke, and IT WORKED!!

WOAH! I had to keep this magic in motion.

The system has morphed over the months, but it is still in effect after, I don't know how long. Our nearest peers are all familiar with Mombux and some have earned them while spending time at our house, kids and grown-ups alike! Come over! I guarantee you'll see the system working within 15 minutes.

Sonic drinks, or QT drinks, got a little expensive when the kids started working their tales off to earn them every other day. I loved the work, but I was shelling out too many dollars for chores that needed to be done anyway. So when the holiday sales went into effect the week before the Fourth of July, I loaded up on cases of sodas, candy bars, chips and Pop Tarts. I also filled a few jars with "penny candy" so that my little ones didn't miss out on incentive opportunities. (bonus math lesson in early grade school economics, too!)

I'll post the logistics of how the system works next for an easy reference to those of you that are desperate for a new system for your crew!!




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