Slower... steady now...

God has been preparing me for something, too.
I keep saying...

"God is changing me."
"God is speaking to me"
"God is showing me things"

I had no idea it would be for tragedy.
God was preparing me for my worst nightmare
to come in and wreck my life.

His preparation was:
Slowing down my life.
Clearing out all distractions.
Strengthening my confidence in who He created me to be.
Deepening my desperation for Him so that I crave the Word of God every single day.
Surrounding me with godly women that will speak life to me.

Because of this,
I have no fear.
I am not consumed with anxiety.
I do not feel discarded.
I have a rein on my emotions.
I have hope.

This is what He chose me for.
I am His.
Nothing is scary when God is the strength of your life and your portion forever.

Today I was driving into the storm, knowing difficult conversations would have to happen and children's hearts would be broken. I was praying and people all over were praying for wisdom and strength. We pulled into the drive-thru stall and I texted my sister that I was feeling anxious, and would she please pray for me. When we got back on the road, this song comes on...

I am the Lord Your God, I go before you now
I stand beside you, I'm all around you...
Though you feel I'm far away, I'm closer than your breath
I am with you, more than you know

I am the Lord your peace, no evil will conquer you
So steady now your heart and mind, come into my rest
Oh let your faith arise and lift up your weary head
I am with you wherever you go

Come to me, I'm all you need.
Come to me I'm everything.

I am your anchor in the wind and waves
And I am your steadfast so don't be afraid
Though your heart and flesh may fail you
And your faith will stray
I am with you wherever you go...

Come to me, I'm all you need.
Come to me I'm you're everything.
Come to Me Words and music by Bethel Worship

God speaks.
And just like that, my heart finds peace.



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