the end and the beginning

Things have been so crazy in the world that I haven’t taken much time to think about what it will mean to leave this building. 

We’ve come and gone and come back a few times since moving to Platte City, and we’ve always been welcomed with open arms.

We’ve carried new babies into church for the first time in this building.
We’ve seen dark times and elation as we passed through the doors.
We’ve been perfectly content and wildly frustrated, but that’s how it is when you are doing real life in community. 

I was overcome with emotion as Rusty prayed a blessing over us this morning. Sometimes people in a moment of crisis will say, “my life flashed before my eyes.” I felt a little like that in the closing moments of the service. Flashes of memories flew through my mind one after the next. 

We always think life is going to be what it always was. Then it changes. When the dust settles you see the value in things and people you took for granted all that time. I guess the good part is that you become more aware of the value for the next season. 

Thanks for the memories. ❤️



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