the doing

As I transition over to blogging more regularly, I don’t really know if I’ll get off of Facebook completely or not. I just can’t see that far ahead. Trying to keep my sights on what’s “in the headlights”. 

I am so grateful for you, my dearest reader, coming along with me here to the blog. It’s like leaving the coffee shop to come sit in my living room. I’ve always felt more at home here.I really want to be able to respond when you engage in the comments. I understand the hassle of having to sign in, but I don’t know who is saying what. It would be great if you could leave your first name under your comment, it would help me to cross the bridge to you. That way I’ll know who’s sitting on the couch with me. ❤️

This weekend is looking like it’s gonna be dreamy and cold. I plan on drinking hot chocolate and starting a puzzle in between the running and doing. Maybe it will ease some of this anxiety that’s burning in my chest. 



  1. Oh sweet lady, your words are always so timely and refreshing. I hope to do a puzzle to and just sit in the peace and calm. Love, Mary

    1. I didn’t make it to my puzzle, maybe today. I have let anxiety run me ragged, and I almost went under yesterday. I feel a little better this morning. I sure miss you!!

  2. I have been seriously considering getting off Facebook completely, too! I will pray for you as you decide, and for a reprieve from the anxiety.

    1. Thank you, friend!! I have had a much better day today. The anxiety is fading, thank you Lord! I will pray for you, too. It’s such a tricky decision. It has become so toxic, but doesn’t the darkness need the Light the most? This is what stops me from pulling the plug.


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